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Do you know how much the British exploited and enslaved India?

When the British ruled India, they took away assets worth 5,500 lakh crore rupees from 5,500 countries between 1765 and 1900, according to a report released by the human rights organization Oxfam International. How much did Britain take from India The annual meeting of the ' World Economic Forum ', one of the world's economic organizations, has begun. Before the start of the first day of the meeting, Oxfam published a report titled 'Takers, Not Makers', stating: The legacy of colonial rule, which began in the early 1900s, continues to affect people in modern times. The countries of the Global South, known as the Global South, were systematically exploited by the North. Based on history, various studies, research articles, and documents, the value of the assets exploited by Britain from India between 1765 and 1900 exceeds 5,500 lakh crore rupees. Of this, 10 percent was captured by the richest 10 percent of Britain. If the British currency, the 50 pound note, were sp...

Gold price crosses new high of Rs 60,000.

Chennai, Jan. 23., In Tamil Nadu, gold ornaments, sovereigns, are being sold at an unprecedented price of Rs 60,200.   Gold price When was gold rate 60,000? As international investors are investing heavily in gold, the price of gold has increased in the international market. Due to this, the price of gold in our country is also continuing to rise. In TamilNadu, the day before yesterday, 22-carat gold ornaments were sold at Rs 7,450 per gram; sovereigns were sold at Rs 59,600. Silver was sold at Rs 104 per gram. Yesterday, the price of gold rose by Rs 75 per gram and was sold at Rs 7,525. Sovereigns were sold at Rs 600 and were sold at Rs 60,200. There was no change in the price of silver. So far, the highest price of a sovereign in gold sales was Rs 59,640. Yesterday, for the first time ever, it crossed Rs 60,000. In this regard, Chennai Gold and Diamond Jewelers Association President Jayantilal Chalani said: The decisions taken by Donald Trump after assuming office as ...

Workers can change their PF account if they change jobs

EPFO has said that EPFO ​​subscribers can switch their PF accounts on their own without the help of their old or new employer when they change jobs.   EPFO How to transfer PF account while changing company? In a circular issued by the Employees ' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on Wednesday, it was stated that: Subscribers who have obtained a unique number (UAN) for their PF account can easily switch their accounts to a new employer if they change jobs. The new employer will receive the UAN and start paying monthly PF contributions. Earlier, subscribers with UAN had to apply through the new or old employer to switch their PF accounts from their old employer to a new employer. This is no longer necessary. PF subscribers who have UAN can apply online and transfer their PF account to a new company. Even if there are multiple accounts under the same UAN number, including accounts started by a new company, if they are linked to Aadhaar, you can easily apply and merge t...

Net FDI falls to Rs 4,300 crore

New Delhi, Jan. 19 Last year, between April and November, net FDI inflows in our country were just Rs 4,300 crore. The Reserve Bank has released data for this. This was Rs 73,000 crore in the same period of 2023.   FDI What is the net FDI of India While the total FDI inflows during the assessment period were Rs 4.78 lakh crore, taking into account the withdrawn investment and foreign investment by Indian companies, the net investment is Rs 4,300 crore. Foreign direct investment Gross Investment-  2023-[April-November] 4.06.  2024-[April-November] 4.78.  Withdrawn-  2023-[April-November] 2.56.  2024-[April-November] 3.41.  Foreign Investment in Indian Companies-  2023- [April-November] 0.77.  2024- [April-November] 1.33.  Net Investment -  2023- [April-November] 0.73.  2024-[April-November] 0.04.  (Rs. in lakh crores)  Most Investment Attractors Manufacturing Financial Services Retail Communications Electricity Ener...

Rejection of Indian turmeric cultivation in the global market

New Delhi, Jan. 17- While the central government recently set up the National Turmeric Board to protect turmeric cultivation, a study has revealed that the number of farmers cultivating turmeric is decreasing. Turmeric India accounts for 62 percent of the global turmeric trade. The National Turmeric Board was launched in Nizamabad, Telangana on the 14th to increase turmeric cultivation and provide business opportunities to farmers. Through this, the board will ensure the quality of turmeric, regulate testing and certification. In this context, the study published by ICRIER states: Tumeric importing countries have recently increased their rejection of Indian turmeric. High price fluctuations and decreasing cultivation area are also challenges facing India in the turmeric trade. It is necessary for the government to intervene at the right time and stabilize turmeric production; and to empower and encourage farmers. Challenges for farmers. Sudden price drop Unfavorable weathe...

Rupee depreciation due to Trump's presidency is temporary

New Delhi: The impact of Donald Trump's inauguration as US President on the Indian rupee is temporary, according to a report by the State Bank of India.   Indian Rupee According to a state Bank of India report The depreciation of the Indian rupee against the US dollar is a short-term phenomenon. This decline since Trump's election is temporary. This situation may continue for some time after Trump takes office. Then the rupee will improve. The Indian rupee has historically performed well during Republican regimes in the US. Compared to Democratic regimes, the rupee has been stable during Republican regimes. In the second half of last year, the Indian rupee depreciated by three percent against the dollar. Even after the decline, the rupee is more stable than other currencies against the dollar internationally. The inclusion of Indian debt securities in the international bond investment market has helped to cushion the high volatility of the rupee. Therefore, the Indian rupee m...