Is money printed in India based on the value of gold?

First, money was printed all over the world based on gold. Paper money is Illuminati (because it is controversial and Conspiracy Topic) During the time of Knights of Templars, Jews like Rothschild bought gold and gave a promissory note to protect the Christians traveling to Jerusalem with gold. That note is still the grandfather of Indian currency, signed by the RBI Governor. 

But British era, Indians thought of gold as value

gold fact
During that period, the Cholas in Tamil Nadu developed a stable economy based on gold coins. Tamils are killers! There is no concept of debt. Paper note is invalid!

Muhammad bin Tughlaq, the saint who copied China and introduced paper money in India! Needless to say about Tughlaq! But Tamils are not the only ones who have changed!

Later, when the British ruled India, the State Bank of India started printing paper money in places like Chennai, Mumbai and Calcutta today!

But during the British era, Indians thought of gold as value. Our Patton Muppatton did not wander like we wander to a bank note today! All trade is gold. Rice does not need money. After the British period, money was invented to buy goods in shops. This is the history of paper money in India.

They print money based on British gold!

Money was printed based on gold in America! Printing money in America is private! Printing money in India is private! Don't ask me who that private is!!! When the situation was like this, in 1971, the President of the United States, Richard Nixon, took a revolutionary decision! After all, based on gold, there is no need to print money! As RBI is for us, they privately printed the Federal Reserves for the United States!

When Abraham Lincoln tried to change it to require the government to print it, he was assassinated! The real cause of the killing has been changed! They invented credit!

After 1971, the US forced all countries to stop trading in terms of gold and trade in terms of the US dollar. The US fought many wars to promote the US dollar!

After India gained independence in the 1950s, the British-initiated State Bank of India became the Reserve Bank of India. But first the Reserve Bank of India printed money based on gold!

But the value of gold in India did not decrease. America was implicitly forced to give up gold. Indira Gandhi at one point bowed to compulsion and devalued the rupee and took India's currency to the international market!

Money was not printed based on gold in the international market! My India was also forced to change!

1971 was the most important year in the history of our world.

That year was replaced by gold and paper money! India has done this is the biggest madness!

The practice of printing money, which later became a fad, started only after this year. Taking gold without gold reserves is like building a castle in the sky!

In today's modern age, printing money is just adding numbers to a bank account!

A billion dollars will be credited! Keep it and print money! This one billion dollar account is written in thin air!

There is no gold in your house. But there is a gun. Let's say you keep writing that I have gold.

If someone suddenly asks for gold, India will give it back.

What will America do? No gold. Or for the existing gold, a thousand times the dollar was printed and given to the whole world! Now someone is asking for gold! what to do?

This is where the US military comes to the rescue. They will show the gun and make the country work!

America replaced gold-based money, relying on its military strength!

India was such a country with no military power, but a lot of gold. Ahimsa taught by Buddha, trading with gold! America's trade is a complete war! Today, China is doing the same thing as America! 

Look at the US, we have devalued money based on gold, tomorrow paper money will be devalued and digital currency will be called cryptocurrency. But they are not based on gold either! The truth, history tells us that any money that is not based on gold will never last! Man has been using gold for trade for 3000 years! The US dollar is not even just 100 years old! I think I got it! thanks for reading...

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