LIC, GST notice to company, lic going to court, The GST Council has sent a notice to LIC to pay Rs 806 crore as GST and penalty with interest for the state of Maharashtra. Gst notice In this regard, LIC has also stated that A notice has been received from the GST, Directorate of Investigation to pay a total of Rs 806 crore including GST, penalty amount and interest on the same. This is the last GS for Maharashtra State 2017-18. D., and is a notice of penalty. An appeal will be filed on behalf of LIC against this order. Thus reported. Similarly, the Directorate of GST and Investigation has issued notices for Rs 401.70 crore to food delivery company Zomato and Rs 350 crore to its market rival Swiggy. GST Notice to HUL Co Hindustan Unilever, a leading consumer goods manufacturer, has been sent a GST notice demanding Rs 447.5 crore. GST officials from different zones across the country have issued notices to this consumer goods manufacturing company. 372.82 crores as ta...