Stocks listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) reached 333 lakh crore, with a market capitalization of US$ 4 trillion. This is 333 Lakh Crores in Indian Rupees. Mumbai BSE (INDIA) What is the market capitalization of the BSE in 2023 Earlier, the BSE Sensex gained 305.44 points to close at 66,479.64 in early morning trading hours. It is noteworthy that the Sensex index reached a maximum of 67,927.23 points on September 15. This feat is happening for the first time in the history of Mumbai Stock Exchange. On November 29, 2023, the market capitalization of shares listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange reached USD 4 trillion. Subsequently, India's Mumbai Stock Exchange has reached a marke t value of 4 trillion dollars, next to the US, China, Japan and Hong Kong stock markets. Passed through. 1 trillion on 28 ...